Saturday, August 3, 2024

August 3

Celebrating Zara's Happy Beagle Freedom Day 💗 !!! 

I adopted Zara Beagle on August 3, 2022 at the Tulsa Humane Society, where before then, she spent her first three years at the envigo breeding facility in Virginia.


During the summer of 2022, our Animal Rescue Team, with the support of our shelter and rescue partners, removed nearly 4,000 beagles from a mass breeding facility that received multiple Animal Welfare Act violations for issues such as inadequate veterinary care and insufficient food. Many of these dogs were bound for animal testing laboratories across the country. In July 2022, our Animal Rescue Team started transporting the beagles to shelter and rescue partners across the country. By September 1, all 3,776 were on their way to loving homes!